Thursday, November 30, 2017

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The Unnamed


The Unnamed 2016


129 Besprechungsprotokoll




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Jazlynn, Koulbak J. Lyra, Mosan Z. Darell

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The Unnamed"

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

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The Hateful Eight 2015 online stream

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The Hateful Eight


The Hateful Eight 2015


195 kurzer Entwurf




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Crime, Drama, Mystery, Western


Español, English


Kahina, Zania K. Chahat, Damien X. Trystan

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The Hateful Eight"

The Hateful Eight is an epic film. Epic the way Ben-Hur was epic. It’s filmed on rare Ultra Panavision 70. The film crew altered Modern cameras to work with UP70. Quentin Tarantino knew there were two types of film viewers. Those who would see his film as he intended and those who would not. Tarantino isn’t an idiot and knows people will pirate his and watch it on devices he can’t control [Note 1]. To combat this Tarantino made a version of the film which requires viewing in a theatre. He did this with the 70mm roadshow production of The Hateful Eight.

The roadshow production of The Hateful Eight is a great experience. I was born in 1981, after roadshow theatrical releases fell out of popularity so I’ve never experience a roadshow theatrical release. Roadshow theatrical releases were (or are) a limited engagement showing of a movie before general release. The Hateful Eight’s roadshow includes a beautifully produced souvenir program — already available on Ebay. The lights go out fifteen minutes prior to the film starting and no previews are shown. Roadshows aren’t their to advertise. Their purpose is to wow you with The Hateful Eight in 70mm.

I was only eleven when Reservoir Dogs was released and thirteen when Pulp Fiction was released. Arguably, a little too young to watch these films. Although I knew what sex was and how it worked, My young mind didn’t know about paraphilia or unusual sexual interests. I don’t think I even had a working idea of how homosexual sex worked. This would have made watching scenes from Pulp Fiction rather difficult for me at that age. [Note 2]
Unlike many, I saw Reservoir Dogs before Pulp Fiction. Although I like the editing style of Pulp Fiction, I think Reservoir Dogs is a better film. What makes Reservoir Dogs great is the lack of financing. Financial constraints didn’t limit Tarantino and Reservoir Dogs is dialogue heavy with very impactful scenes revolving around a single location: The Warehouse.

The high-level idea of The Hateful Eight, Quentin Tarantino’s Eighth film, which implies the title is deliberate, is about a bounty hunter escorting a prisoner (the only female in the film) to “hang by the neck until they are dead” in Red Rock. However, a blizzard prevents the prisoner from reaching the final location and the prisoner along with eight others are stuck in a single room: Minnie’s Haberdashery.

The Hateful Eight is filmmaking at it’s finest. Like Reservoir Dogs it could have been a theatrical production. It didn’t have to be a movie. If there are special effects they aren’t noticeable. There is violence and blood, which you expect, but comparing to other Quentin Tarantino’s films it’s tame. There is no dancing to a radio tune while Michael Madsen conducts a horrific act. But, the strongest story-telling scene will stick with you. A flashback overlaid with a monologue performed by Samuel L. Jackson that demonstrates the artistic ability of Tarantino. The editing between Major Warren’s narrative and what General Smithers envisions can only be told with film. The scene contrasts the alluring story with the distasteful act. A compliment to the editor who doesn’t pull you out of the monologue, but enhances it.
I’ve only seen, read, or heard a few interviews with Tarantino, but I don’t get the impression he does anything on accident. Tarantino puts too much thought into his ideas and works. When Bret Easton Ellis interviewed Tarantino he stated:

> My scripts are meant to be read.
> [The Bride] has stashed all this shit in the ground. So, she is going to dig a hole and pull up a footlocker and it will have passports, money, and weapons. All the things she will need for her revenge. But, the way I have it written in the script is she needs to find a rock and turn it over to find an ‘X’ on the rock. She turns over the rock and finds the ‘X’.
> If the ‘X’ hadn’t have been there or if she couldn’t have found rock, she would have taken it as a sign that her revenge never should happen and she would have dropped the whole idea.

These are things you can’t show on film.

You get this same type of feeling when watching The Hateful Eight. It is hard to imagine that Tarantino didn’t have a few one-on-one days with each actor explaining to their character’s fully-developed backstory which isn’t depicted in the film. Only additional viewings will explain each characters motives.

Many of my college friends who enjoyed Kill Bill Volume One didn’t like Kill Bill Volume Two even though Kill Bill Volume Two is the stronger of the two films. The reason? The dialogue. The dialogue is the best part of The Hateful Eight. Although The Hateful Eight is three hours long you don’t feel it. The film engrosses you with the characters, their conversations, and the conflict between them. The acting is superb.

My wife said that this is her favorite Quentin Tarantino film. I don’t know if I disagree and although Reservoir Dogs holds a special place with me, The Hateful Eight is a much more mature film. Tarantino has had 23 years to perfect his craft and it shows. Although I liked Django Unchained, it isn’t as good as The Hateful Eight.

The Hateful Eight may be one of the better films I’ve seen in the past few years.

_Note 1: Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves is a piece of art as much as a novel. But, there isn’t a digital version. This is deliberate. Danielewski can’t determine a way for readers to digitally consume the book. Contrary to what you expect, this control is more easily achieved with print than film._

_Note 2: Like all Quentin Tarantino’s movies, The Hateful Eight isn’t for children. Quentin Tarantino is great because of his dedication to his art. Tarantino made a purposeful choice to not have a relationship or children because it would affect his art. I wonder if his decision is partially due to discussions around the dinner table about what Daddy does without showing them. I don’t know if Tarantino has actually thought about the ramifications of raising a child in the dark to his art until a certain age. Maybe he hasn’t. But, If I was in his shoes, I would have internal conflict about not wanting to twist my kid’s minds until they were of age to deal with my creations. But, I am probably projecting._
The hateful eight is well directed, good photography and has a great OST, with a good melody from Ennio Morricone (although it is just that, not much more) and, as usual, well selected songs by Tarantino.

The best of the movie is its cast, with the exception of Michael Madsen which I think is terrible but Tarantino seems to love. As usual, good performance by Samuel L. Jackson and superb ones by Kurt Russel and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Tim Roth makes a great role in a character that seems as if it was made for Chistoph Waltz, though. IMHO, the best performance is from Walton Goggins, though. A usual secondary which has the chance in this movie to be more than just that.

All in all, a Tarantino movie with what you would expect from one of his movies.

But ... the problem is precisely that there is everything to be expected, but nothing else. The typical long and witty dialogues. The typical stories and anecdotes distracting the viewer attention from the important happenings ongoing, but just that. Hence, this movie stays half way to be a really good movie and it remains just a enjoyable movie, without much more expectations.
> ...And then there were none.

I'm neither Tarantino nor Nolan's fan, but love watching their movies. As usual these director's films are highly expected by all, that's including me. This one started off quite like a normal western, so I thought it wouldn't be like the director's previous film 'Django Unchained'. In fact, it was considered for a sequel to that, but the director felt this story and the previous character Django failed to blend, hence 'The Hateful Eight' was born with Samuel L. Jackson playing an important role.

Solid eight from me for this QT's eighth film. But I felt the movie was kind of inspired by 'And Then There Were None'. It was not about to find who's the killer or next to be killed. The character introductions were at its best and an excellent twist in the middle. This sets in a cabin with eight strangers struck there after the snowstorm. But after an unexpected event the suspicious started to mount and brings chaos. Then takes us to the flashback to reveal something the story that did not mention in the earlier part which's very essential for coming back to the finale.

The 80% of the movie was just talking, but the remaining stunt sequences were so powerful. All the eight, plus, supporting character were exceptional, but the director's favourite Samuel L. Jackson nailed it as his character is a bit above from the rest. The entire film was shot is a couple of locations, but the major portion takes place in a cabin and it was a limited cast movie. These days, western movies are shrinking, only a very-very few good movies are made every year. In the time of superheroes, a movie like this is really very precious, so definitely recommend it.

Marmite at Minnie's Haberdashery.

Quentin Tarantino writes and directs and it stars Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Lee, Walton Goggins, Tim Roth, Micahel Madsen, Demian Bichir and Bruce Dern. Music is scored by Ennio Morricone and cinematography by Robert Richardson.

Wyoming, wintertime, and an assortment of suspect characters are holed up at Minnie's Haberdashery while a blizzard rages outside. Soon enough suspicions and ugly human traits come to the fore...

Tarrantino is on a Western/Southern/Oater/Civil War kick these days, here following on from Django Unchained, this is set just post the Civil War. Proudly homaging genres he loves, he throws all his trademarks at The Hateful Eight for glorious results - that is on proviso you happen to be a fan of his in the first place.

Picture is split into two halves. First half sets up the characters who come to be at Minnie's, the conversations are pungent with Tarrantino's caustic and comedic writing, the characterisations equally so, whilst we have been treated to some absolutely gorgeous Colorado vistas. There's a constant sense of mistrust in the air, while racism, misogyny and political fall outs pulse away in set up scenarios.

Then it's the second half, where after a wee bit of narration that had me thinking my Blu-ray player had somehow started playing The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, hell then comes to Minnie's! It quickly becomes evident we have been part of a Tarrantino parlour game, a game of Clue - cum - Ten Little Indians, only in a Wild West setting, and with blood, bones and bile in full effect.

The whole thing is wonderfully stylish in the way that Tarrantino is known for. The cartoonish horror mingles with more biting observations on humanity, the violence shocks to get a reaction from the viewer, for better or worse, and always there is humour, where Hateful Eight proves itself to be one damn funny film.

Morricone scores it as cartoon horror with Western strains, and it's magnificent, it sounds like the evil twin to his score for The Untouchables. The cast are super (though a couple of them are not given much to do), with Leigh standing out, and Messrs Jackson and Russell hold glorious excessive court. Costuming is most appealing, as is the set-design for Minnie's. And director QT? Well he does his thing, chapters and verse and playful filmic cunning. 9/10
The Hateful Eight is Quentin Tarantino's eight film. Inspired by John Carpenter's movie, The Thing. We even have Kurt Russell mentioning going without sleep. However despite all the talking and there is a lot of chatter between some hateful people, it is an Agatha Christie style thriller.

In a snowbound post civil war wild west, Kurt Russell is bounty hunter John Ruth better known as the Hangman. He brings his bounty back alive so they can hang.

Ruth is taking back Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) a female captive with a big reward on her. He meets Major Warren (Samuel L Jackson) another bounty hunter and they decide to ride together to town and meet the new Sheriff who is due to show up.

A blizzard means they have to stop at an inn. Holed up in the inn is Bruce Dern's confederate General Smithers, a bitter racist trying to find out the fate of his son.

Also there is Tim Roth's Mobray on his way to the same town as the Sheriff to be their new hangman. There are several other people hanging around the inn. Ruth is convinced that someone is not what he claims to be and is nervous.

The film has a lot of talk with suspicious, shifty people rubbing everyone up the wrong way. Tarantino wants the viewer to get complacent and then suddenly bang! He then shows you his hand.

The Hateful Eight is a twisted film with Tarantino's dark humour, mean characters and violence. However it is overlong and a mystery that might be too slow before it gets going.
***Creative Western whodunit is an amusing black comedy, but also profane and repugnant***

RELEASED IN 2015 and directed by Quentin Tarantino, "The Hateful Eight" is a Western about a cruel bounty hunter (Kurt Russell) taking an outlaw woman (Jennifer Jason Leigh) in to Red Rock, Wyoming, to hang. Along with a black bounty hunter (Samuel L. Jackson) and the new Sheriff of Red Rock (Walton Goggins), they hold up at a rural haberdashery during a blizzard with several dubious characters (Tim Roth, Demián Bichir, Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern and Channing Tatum). Dana Gourrier and Zoe Bell appear in small roles.

This was Tarantino’s second Western in a row after 2012’s “Django Unchained,” which ranks with the best Westerns of all time. This one’s not as good, but it certainly has its points of interest, like the great wintery wilderness atmosphere, which is to die for. Moreover, the plot is intriguing. It's basically an Agatha Christie whodunit a la Murder on the Orient Express transferred to the Old West. Roughly 90% of the film takes place in the haberdashery and, less so, a stagecoach. It's basically a theater play masquerading as a movie and I found it a unique setting for a Western.

The movie starts out with spectacular Colorado winter cinematography highlighted by an excellent Ennio Morricone score, his first full-length score in over three decades (!). Compelling extended dialogues have always been Tarantino’s strong suit; and so it is here. The amusing melodramatics are entertaining and the story keeps your interest despite the one-dimensional setting. Everything’s SO exaggerated that you can’t take it seriously. The movie’s intentionally offensive and you have to roll WITH the excesses to be entertained; otherwise you’ll hate it.

On at least one occasion the overindulgences don’t work, like the disgusting fellatio sequence. I get that Marquis (Jackson) was lying to the other guy to compel him to draw, but we didn't need a visual on his fabricated story. It's sordid excess that has no place in a Western or any other movie, except gay porn, but Tarantino obviously included it in order to be "edgy" or whatever.

The excellent opening with the figure of Christ dying for our sins keys off the theme, which is humanity’s fallen condition and dire need of redemption. The title, “The Hateful Eight,” is a perversion of “The Magnificent Seven.” The latter celebrates the noble and heroic whereas this movie parodies the base and odious. Tarantino is poking fun at our petty hostilities that separate us based on race, gender, sectionalism, faction-ism, envy and rivalry. Furthermore, men divided by hatred of culture and race can unite in hatred of something else, in this case misogyny.

THE FILM RUNS 2 hours, 47 minutes.


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Summertime 2016 has not been very kind to DC Comics-based personalities looking to shine consistently like their big screen Marvel Comics counterparts. Following the super-sized dud that was _Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice_ released a few months ago must really put some major pressure on Warner Bros. to gamble on ensuring that the presence of **Suicide Squad** does not meet the same kind of indifferent reception. Well, it turns out that although the anticipation was high for writer-director David Ayer's supervillain saga involving high-powered imprisoned rogues recruited as U.S. governmental operatives out to stop other skillful baddies (as it was for Zack Ryder's aforementioned "Dawn of Justice") the concoction of **Suicide Squad** feels like a colorful mishmash of collective misfits laboriously taking up space in a disjointed eye candy-coated spectacle that never manages to match its intended sizzle.

One would think that the premise for **Suicide Squad** would tap into the intriguing naughtiness with more robust gumption given the collection of super-powered oddballs asked to be immediate anti-heroes in this toothless jamboree of renegade rejects. Strangely, the grim and brooding presentation of **Suicide Squad** is more of an erratic downer than a hyperactive high-wire act as intended at the creative hands of Ayer. There is no reason why this lively group of adventurous agitators should appear so flat and inconsequential in a boisterous blockbuster that sporadically limps.

Given the twisted members that comprise this elite team of terrorizing tools it is very disappointing to see how **Suicide Squad** struggles with its so-called subversive themes. Sadly, this splattered mess never firmly grasps its bid for distinctive irreverence or off-balance exploitation. Instead, **Squad** feels strained in its execution and we are never really invested in entirely watching these treasured troublemakers find redemption because the story is soggy and uninspired. Furthermore, not all of the **Squad** participants are fleshed out satisfyingly for us to get behind with thirsty cynicism. The headlining leads in Will Smith's Floyd Lawton/Deadshot, Oscar-winner Jared Leto's green-haired Joker and Australian beauty Margot Robbie's Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn get the meaty standout parts while the lesser known supporting cast get stuck with chewing on the thankless remaining bone while seemingly acting as background furniture to the bigger names.

Naturally, desperation has set in for the U.S. government as they need to safeguard national security against advanced sinister forces that threaten the fiber of American self-interests everywhere. What better way to hire gifted protection than to consider employing the world's most incarcerated corruptible, cutthroat cretins to perform the dirty work in unforgivable mission ops that require death-defying determination. Enter U.S. Intelligence agent Amanda Waller (Oscar nominee Viola Davis). Waller's duties are to assemble the ragtag team known as the Suicide Squad--ominous (yet talented) jailbirds tapped to step in and assume superhero status (especially when the real superheroes are tied up in other crime-stopping affairs) while helping out for the greater good of our vulnerable society. In exchange for the Suicide Squad's sacrifice in turning from hell-bent heels to reluctant heralded heroes they are promised commuted prison sentences should they effectively defend and destroy the deadly foes out to promote heavy-handed havoc across the board.

Conveniently, bureaucratic bigwig Waller (through voiceover) introduces the Suicide Squad and describes what beneficial assets they bring to the turbulent table. Among the naughty notables include the well-known ace sniper Floyd Lawton/Deadshot as well as legendary lethal joy-boy Joker and his better (or perhaps worst half) in girlfriend Harley Quinn. The other toxic tag-a-longs along for the thrill ride of becoming rebellious rescuers include George Harkness/Boomerang (Jai Courtney), Chato Santana/El Diablo (Jay Hernandez), Waylon Jones/Killer Croc (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje), Tatsu Yamashiro/Katana, Enchantress (Cara Delevingne) and Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman).

Overall, **Suicide Squad** is surprisingly depressing and goes through the proverbial motions without so much as taking advantage of its surrealistic makeup. The movie never realizes its excitable potential and drifts into yet another superhero yarn that is more patchy than pronounced. Smith's Deadshot is out in the forefront but for the most part feels restrained and not as spry and savvy as one would imagine. Leto's Joker obviously pales in comparison to the brilliant and mesmerizing psychotic take on the role that earned the late Heath Ledger his posthumous Oscar statuette. In all fairness, nobody could inhabit the Clown Prince of Crime as Ledger uncannily did with committed concentration. Still, Leto's Joker--although viciously off-balance--felt recycled and furiously empty at times. Robbie's turn as Joker's misguided main squeeze merely comes off as a bratty Barbie Doll with synthetic edginess. The other **Squad** participants settle for the back burner more or less which is a crying shame because they should have been more engaged than the tepid material allowed them to be initially.

Woefully sketchy and missing the fueled opulence that one would expect emerging from this cockeyed costume caper **Suicide Squad** is a detonating dud for the missing explosive DC Comics movie brand that needs to step up the pace if they expect to make a consistent and challenging impression on the devoted fanboys at the box office looking to move beyond the sardonic fantasy-based realm of another redundant serving of a _Batman/Superman_ entry.

**Suicide Squad** (2016)

Warner Bros.

2 hrs. 3 mins.

Starring: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margo Robbie, Viola Davis, Joel Kinnaman, Jay Hernandez, Jai Courtney, Scott Eastwood, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Ike Barinholtz, Common, Cara Delevinge, Karen Fukuhara, Adam Beach

Directed and Written by: David Ayer

MPPA Rating: PG-13

Genre: Superheroes Saga/Action & Adventure/Comic Book Fantasy

Critic's rating: ** stars (out of 4 stars)

(c) **Frank Ochieng** (2016)
Suicide Squad is the third and latest entry into the DCEU, and is about a bunch of bad guys that are rounded up to fight for someone else. And just like this year's BvS, this movie received overwhelmingly negative reviews by the critics and was divided among the fans. I was super curious to watch it because unlike many, I actually enjoyed the DCEU till this point. Enjoyed both Man of Steel and BvS. But unfortunately, this one's a mess.

The majority of the movie just feels choppy, editing was all over the place. Like they had a final product but because of disagreements, they took out a lot of scenes, shorten the runtime, and added others, making a giant choppy mess in the end. Scenes don't properly flow, including the flashbacks. Some scenes feel like they were added later (Probably the re-shoots) and they definitely didn't fit, particularly the elevator scene with Harley. The songs were all over the place as well. Some worked with their respective scenes, but most of them didn't, and again it felt like something added later, to give the movie a more jolly feel. And difference between development given to each member of the squad is astounding. Some were completely left in the dust, while some got a bit of line here and there, while some got a lot more development. Basically, to me it felt like that the movie reeked of studio involvement.

Also, the focus was just off. Movie is called Suicide Squad yet there is a whole lot of other stuff that gets way too much screentime. The whole end of the world plot was totally generic, uninteresting and unnecessary. The villain wasn't good, and the movements were weird, and not in a good way. Joker-Harley romance was also something padded on, and could have been removed in exchange for more screentime with the squad.

Speaking of the Joker, he and his whole weird mafia/gangster lord type vibe didn't work for me. Jared Leto felt like he was trying too hard at times. There were moments where I saw the Joker I wanted in him, but those moments were swiftly followed by over the top feel that he gave most of the time. And that laugh....Yeah NOPE!!

Even the action was mostly OK, apart from a couple of good scenes. There was no proper thrill, no proper buildup. Too many cuts. Say what you want about Snyder, but you have to admit that the dude can atleast direct amazing action sequences.

And all of that sucks because there is stuff in the movie that works, like the main squad. Will Smith as Deadshot was great. He played his usual cool self and it worked. Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn was sexy and mostly good, because there were few instances where her dialogues gave me cringe. These two had a good chemistry together too. Also liked other members like El Diablo, Killer Croc, and captain Boomerang, all of whom were likable, had some fun moments etc.

Plus, among all the mediocrity, there were glimpses of what the movie could have been like. Fun moments between the squad, some touchy moments, rare cool action sequences, full group scenes or rather a scene, the bar scene and such.

Ultimately, The movie is like a mediocre cake covered with a thin layer of good frosting. The overall taste isn't bad, but it isn't good either. You enjoy the good frosting for a short while, and then have to deal with a whole lot of mediocre tasting body of the cake. I was disappointed. I really REALLY wanted to like this film. Pushed back all the negative or positive criticism and went in with an open mind. I'm not too hopeful what the extended cut will improve as 13 mins of footage isn't much, and I'm guessing it is Joker footage mostly.

It's funny that after watching this, I respect MCU more now considering what they were able to do with the more risky project: Guardians of the Galaxy.


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Some semi-interesting visuals and a few characters I'd like to get to know, but an absolute mess of a movie. The thing feels like a trailer, or a clipshow, or a music video or some other sort of two-hour long promotional material for the actual _Suicide Squad_ that comes out later.

_Final rating:★★ - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product._
**They are not superheroes, they are supervillains.**

It's nothing against DC, but overall I'm starting to think the todays cinema is getting crowded with the lots of superheroes. Just like any pollution or the over population on the earth's surface. It needs stability, but nobody cares about it other than money making agenda. I also think it's going to last for only a few more years, when this trend going to end like that happened in the 70s, 80s and the 90s. And the space travel era to begin which is already kick- started. So DC or Marvel and others, they should be careful, for far they could take their products.

Like the title say, it's not just about the film characters, the film itself a suicidal. I'm not saying the film was unnecessary, but the plot was dragged too much. There are too many pauses, or you can call time wasting moments. I could not take another blowing up city concept. And that swirling thing in the sky, I don't know how long they are going to use it in the superhero films. I did not like the supernatural concept which is supposed to be a pure science fiction action adventure. At least Thor was from another planet, more like he's an alien, but the witch in this film, ruined my appetite.

The actors were not bad and so the graphics, including the stunt sequences. The story was very familiar. It was more or less, same as the animated flick 'Monsters vs Aliens'. It can be watched for entertainment purpose, the majority won't say it's their favourite or one of the best of the year. But surely there are people who would love it. It was a massive box office hit and I don't see any hurdle for its sequel, but all I hope is it to get better in the follow-up. So finally, it's not a bad film or boring, but it just did not have the midas touch that all the superhero films had. That means a watchable film, only for once.


SUICIDE SQUAD is a mess. But an entertaining, well-cast mess.
*** This review may contain spoilers ***

Suicide Squad has a horrible script. First, there was the story--such as it was--itself: A super villain with the power to end the world goes to work in a universe that has established Batman and Wonder Woman. So what do the authorities do? Call up Batman and Wonder Woman? Of course not! Hire a bunch of criminals to save the world.

It would be like if the U.S. was invaded by China, and we went and got the Taliban to protect us.

So, from the very bones of the story, the movie fails. Add in a tell-and-don't-show approach to characterization, and horrendous dialogue, and this film was doomed before it got off the printed page. I really wanted to like this film, but I just couldn't.

So, let's go back to the tell-and-don't-show approach to the characters. Instead of seeing and experiencing anything, we're told what such-and-such is all about. It's an incredibly boring and lazy style of writing. Look at he scene where the principal characters all sit around and tell stories while they have a drink. But that's the thing: They shouldn't be telling us anything. Everything that is told to us as if we're a classroom of elementary school students instead of adults who can put two and two together, should be revealed through each character's dialogue and actions. But that would require some actual writing. This movie seems like it simply filmed the first draft of the screenplay. And then there's the dialogue itself. "I've already killed one family; I won't kill another." Who wrote this? A high school kid who thought he was being deep? Flagg refers to the love of his life as the girl he "was sleeping with." Serious? You're risking your life to save some broad you're banging? And then after two hours of watching Harley pine for Joker and reject the rest of the members of her "squad", she's finally given the chance to be with the Joker and live happily ever after. Well, despite everything we've seen for the past two hours alluding to the fact that that is exactly what she wants, she rejects that for "her friends." She's never shown any sort of friendship so far in this movie. But, dialogue.

It's typical fill-in-the-blank writing. So, Harley didn't show any love for her "friends" but did for Joker. And then chose her "friends" over the Joker. So, I guess it's up to the audience to "fill in the blank" and decide what Harley's change of heart was all about? It shouldn't be the audience's responsibility to do the writer's job.

The characters themselves were boring and uninteresting. Despite wasting the first 20 or so minutes on the film trying to make us love the psychotic Harley Quinn and mass murdering Deadshot, I didn't care. I just couldn't care for anyone or anything happening. It was like there was an invisible barrier between me and the screen. I just couldn't get into the movie. And since no one other than Harley, Deadshot, and Flagg got a pointless backstory introduction, the audience feels, subconsciously, that these are the characters that will carry the story. They don't. The only character that was even remotely interesting was Katana. And despite a few flashes here and there of decent martial arts and kenjutsu action, the character is wasted.

And speaking of wasted characters, let's talk Joker. Jared Leto was upset how much of the Joker was cut from the film. If you can cut such a big name and charismatic character down to the point where the actor playing him complains, and still get away with a finished film, the problems with the script become apparent. Joker was wasted in this film. You cut him out entirely, the overall story doesn't change. So, why include him in the first place? Because shared universe...maybe? Or something? I don't know. And neither do the filmmakers.

And while I know almost everyone on the planet--including those who despise the movie--praise Margot Robbie's Harley, I found her shtick getting old rather quickly. And then to top that off, she reneges on her established motive, thus making her a totally pointless character.

And, before we move on from the topic of bad characterization, what was with Amanda Waller (a good guy...I guess?) executing FBI agents? I feel like I missed the most important scene in the movie--the one that shows something that makes the entire movie make sense. But then again, Amanda Waller doesn't make good choices. She has a folder, inside of which is a list of the upcoming DCEU characters: Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, etc. She actually has dinner with Batman. But she puts the world's fate in the hands of Diablo, Boomerang, Harley Quinn and Deadshot. It's like calling the police because of a problem, and then scouring death row for the people who will actually solve this problem. Yeah, I'm confused too.

But let's go to the ending. Because the ending shows us one thing: That the Suicide Squad's involvement in all of this was totally pointless. Simple bombs end up saving the day. Bombs. Man made, average, everyday bombs. Satchel charges. Any idiot in a uniform can detonate a bomb. So, why let out a bunch of mass murderers to save the world, if saving the world only involves setting off satchel charges? I mean, why not call the Air Force in, have them drop a couple of bombs, and send a guaranteed-to-be-disappointed-audience-anyway home early? One phone call to the Pentagon, and the ENTIRE MOVIE is UNNECESSARY. But, DC.

In the end, this movie was a total disaster.

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